About Us
19th Battlefield Coordination Detachment (BCD) represents the Army Forces (ARFOR)/Land Component Command (LANDCOM) in Europe and Africa to the Air Component Command by coordinating and integrating war fighting functions across multiple domains to achieve the Commander’s intent. 19 BCD integrates designated ARFOR equities across all warfighting functions within the joint processes and authorities delegated to the Joint Force Air Component Command (JFACC). In its liaison capacity the BCD also serves as the conduit to understanding capabilities and situational awareness between the Army and Air Force. 19 BCD is headquartered in Ramstein, Germany and has detachments in three different locations: 348th FS at Lakenheath AB, GBR; 349th FS at Aviano AB, ITA; and 547th FS at Spangdahlem AB, DEU.

19 BCD has three priorities in the European Theater: People First, Support to Army/Land Component (LANDCOM) Forces in Europe and Africa, and Assigned Mission Support. 19 BCD accomplishes these priorities by coordinating efforts across our essential functions; plans and exercises, air mobility, intelligence, and air defense in support of the land component. 19 BCD also contributes to efforts to increase deterrence and enhance NATO readiness by providing a LANDCOM BCD and providing training to NATO Corps on Air-Land Integration.

19 BCD has and will continue to fill a vital role in coordination between the land and air components. The BCD is a proven concept that has historically facilitated joint force success in Large Scale Combat Operations (LSCO). The rising importance of joint effects within the maritime, space, and cyber domains coupled with emerging strategic competitors that challenge the United States’ ability to protect its interests and allies, requires the BCD to further enhance its ability to act on behalf of ARFOR and joint force commander across all domains. 19 BCD has provided advice and training on Air-Land Integration to all NATO Corps, AIRCOM and LANDCOM and remains a combat multiplier for USAREUR-AF.



COL Kevin Jackson
Commander, 19th Battlefield Coordination Detachment (BCD)